Police snag students in bar raid 27 Notre Dame students arrested at Commons
Grace Hall was vandalized early Sunday morning resulting in damage to several of its first floor facilities. The first floor men's room sustained the most extensive damage. A stall door was ripped from its hinges and its metal frame torn from the floor where it was anr.hored. Both were found in a heap of dented. twisted metal on the floor of the bathroom. The dents in the door and frame appeared to have been caused by a hammer or a similar type of heavy weapon. A mirror was also broken.
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Police arrest young patrons during raid on Bridget’s
State Excise, and South Bend Police officers arrested an unde termined num ber o f persons for underage drinking Friday night at Bridget McGuire’s Filling Station. According to Bridget’s owner Terry Bower, approxim ately 20 police officers arrived at the bar around 11:30 p.m. and began checking the identification of bar patrons. Although South Bend police vice officers could not be reached for...
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Goose’s Nest bar, 1003 Notre Dame Ave., was the target of a massive police raid at approximately 11:45 p.m . Saturday night. South Bend Police, including plainclothes vice squad m em bers and In diana State Excise officers were involved in the raid, term ed by some observers at the scene as the largest in recent years. South Bend Police confirmed yesterday that nobody was a r rested in the in...
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The number o f international students at the U n ive rs ity o f Notre Dame has doubled over the last ten years, according to a report from A rthur Grubert, Notre Dame’s director of in ter national student affairs. By lo o k in g th ro u g h N otre Dame's e n ro llm e n t reco rds, Grubert found that 699 interna tional students from 66 nations are enrolled at Notre Dame for the 1991-92 school ...
متن کاملTHE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S Youth convicted of battery of Notre Dame students
The youth, who cannot be identified due to his juvenile status, was found guilty followlng a trial held on September 12 in Indiana Juvenile Court. The attack occurred in the early morning of Saturday, March 2 near the intersection of Elwood and Portage streets in South Bend. The five Notre Dame and four Sain~ Mary's students had engaged in an verbal exchange with five young men riding In a pass...
متن کاملLead - ND granted official Lead Agency designation
Students, faculty and sta ff gath ered on Fieldhou.se Mall Monday as part of a sexuality and gender rally that supporters said was designed to foster a “ safe space” at Notre Dame. The "Speak Out! Sexuality and Gender at Notre Dame” forum was the " f ir s t o f its k in d " at the U n ive rs ity , sen io r Progressive Student Alliance (PSA) member and organizer Curtis Leighton said. “We knew w...
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